
C# Programming: Always in Demand. Watch What Happens When You Rise Above Microsoft 70-483 Exam Using Exam Dumps

microsoft exams

Microsoft the Giver

Microsoft was responsible for that success story that blew up the IT sector in just mere months. A twelve-year-old preteen Uzair Abdullah did the impossible — he became the world’s youngest Microsoft Certified Professional along the Cloud Platform & Infrastructure path. He eventually went on to become the holder of the grand title of Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. 

Microsoft had resources in place that Uzair used; and with this valuable stock of knowledge he acquired thanks to Microsoft, he helped his younger siblings with their studies. This is what Microsoft is all about: creating opportunities. So, what opportunities has Microsoft prepared just for you? Read further to figure it out and learn more about 70-483 exam and how it can help you find your niche in the IT sphere. 

An Exam for Me?

They have something for everybody. If you happen to be a developer, and technologies like SQLite, CSS3 and ASP.NET MVC revolve in your sleep, then you are the perfect candidate to be taking the Microsoft’s AZ-301 test: Programming in C#. 

Exam 70-483 is the starting point to two distinct associate-level certifications. If you take this exam along with 70-486 (Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications) then you end up with the MCSA in Web Applications. Alternatively, if you decide to take paper 70-357 (Developing Mobile Apps) then you land the MCSA in Universal Windows Platform instead. Anyway, both align perfectly for you to take an elective exam and transform into the MCSD in App Builder.

Prestigious Positions

Now, developing on our previous point, what realm of opportunities does this bring you? You become qualified for positions like:

  • Software Developer. So you’ll be the genius mind behind efficiently written codes. You’ll be tweaking current programs to make them better and work closely with UX designers and fellow developers in a team. You’ll be the one we rely on for original mobile apps & computer programs (also the essential programs for doing certain tasks like creating documents that make a computer actually useful) and putting together the operating systems in order for us to run different devices. Guess what, for all your efforts, you are rewarded with an average salary of $70,974 a year according to PayScale.
  • Software Quality Assurance Engineer. In this case, you will be heavily involved in writing, controlling and reviewing source code; designing and integrating software; and testing new programs. It is you who will set quality standards for your company and put in place testing policies to verify set standards. You earn more in this role, reaching an average of $76,809 annually.
  • Work as a Web Developer will mean using computer languages like HTML & JavaScript to write web designing programs. You are the artist responsible for how a website looks because it’s you who integrates all the content, applications, and graphics on that site. Here you pull in an average of $59,287 annually although with increasing experience it can go as high as $87K.

What Do I Learn?

But for our immediate present, the skills that will be addressed as part of the 70-483 assessment need to be addressed, because after all, that is the starting point to all the opportunities above. 25-30% of your work will be concerned with ‘Managing Program Flow’. Activities here include asynchronous & multithreading processes, using switch statements to program decisions, creating events using delegate types, and dealing with SQL exceptions.

In the ‘Create & Use Types’ section of the course, you’ll work with value types, ensure compatibility between different types by using codes that can access COM APIs, use IUnknown&IComparable interfaces to create classes, use Lambda to generate code during runtime, and finally with the help of StringWriter you will be manipulating strings.

When you reach the ‘Debug Applications & Implement Security’ part of the syllabus, you need to be competent at symmetric & asymmetric encryption, creating a WinMD assembly, validating JSON data, debug symbols, and know how to write to an event log; among contact with many other technical areas.

The final one in the list of the domains is ‘Implement Data Access’. Facing the questions related to it, you’ll have to show your mastery in consuming data, using LINQ, and implementing I/O operations. Also, you should know how to serialize, reserialize, and store data as well as retrieve it from collections.

What Will Help Me?

As for the test itself, it is subject to change. Microsoft continually tries out new testing methods, creates beta exams to gather useful data from candidates and incorporates these into tests. Furthermore, the passing grade for 70-483 exam fluctuates and the number of questions is not specific but ranges between 40-60. Also, be prepared to face questions from topics not listed in the exam domains provided just to test your proficiency. What about possible question types, they may include case studies, active screens, repeated answer choices, MCQs, and hot areas, just to name a few.

Although Microsoft does this for the integrity of each exam, it makes a preparation process full of headaches even for experienced candidates. One resource that can alleviate much of this pain and help with the preparation is Prepaway.

The Prepaway website gives candidates access to a huge collection of practice tests for the Microsoft 70-483 assessment. These contain the most valid and updated questions and answers that you can meet in the actual exam. What is more, this provider of secure dumps keeps them regularly updated to reflect the most recent content and question type changes Microsoft makes to their tests. Though these are free, Prepaway also offers a premium bundle inclusive of 280 questions & answers, 99 lectures, and a 740-page study guide at the low price of $39.97. 

Moreover, preparing with these practice tests in vce format you’ll literally feel the real-exam atmosphere due to the VCE Exam Simulator. It gives you a chance to get used to the exam structure, the timing, and also see probable questions and track your results. All these resources were designed with your exam success in mind.

League of Our Own

We all have our own pace when working, we have different aspirations. We shouldn’t feel bad by measuring ourselves with Uzair, rather learn a lesson. It’s not about when we start, it’s just that we do. Take exam 70-483 as a starting point. Use exam dumps to topple that mountain. And then, like Uzair, we too will join a success story of our own.

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Written by themoneyshed

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