Forget all those ‘Earn £1000 in a month’ type blog posts you’ve seen before, as in this list of 20 work from home jobs for Mums we are going to be covering over £5170 worth of online income a month which as I’m sure you will agree is far more than just beer money.
There’s no question that once you bring home your bundle of joy that flexibility is one of the things you will crave the most in your life.
The flexibility to do things when you can and not be tied down to times or requirements will make you feel a lot less pressure on yourself as a Mum while you are trying to get on top of everything else.
If you decide that you would like some work from home jobs and earn some money then again, flexibility will be key to this working out for you. A job that requires you log in at certain times to earn money or work a set number of hours each month is never going to work for you and with that in mind, I thought I would share 20+ flexible and legitimate work from home jobs for Mums that can really bring in some great money for you. If you are after money quite urgently then make sure you take a look at our HOW TO GET MONEY FAST blog post and if you are at University don’t bypass our fantastic 10 online jobs for students guide!
Now obviously on The Money Shed we cover a multitude of legitimate ways you can earn money from your computer but in this list, we are going to focus on ones that don’t ask too much of you time wise so you can dip in and out whenever you fancy earning and so are ideal side hustle jobs for stay at home mums. If you are exclusively looking for ways to make money from home without paying anything then we have a separate guide.
Just before we get started don’t forget it is important to keep track of your earnings and expenses when working from home. I always recommend using Free Agent which is a fantastic website for helping automate a huge part of this and you can even submit your tax return to HMRC through their website! We have a great 60% OFF offer with them at the moment so take a read of our blog post all about them and how they can benefit anyone who is Self Employed!
We’ve put up a hugely detailed review all about the Curve Money Card! Which is designed so that you can bring all of your cards into one single card. Unlike those traditional plastic cards you’d be used to, the Curve Card is all controlled through an app which can be easily downloaded onto your smartphone.
From there you can add as many cards, whether they are credit or debit cards, meaning everything is in the one, easily accessible place.
Once you sign up you will get £5 for FREE put onto your Curve Card. That’s it, There’s no catch!!
I used mine at Amazon (and took advantage of our Amazon Discount Finder Tool!) and you can use the card anywhere that accepts Mastercard which is pretty much anywhere both on and off the Internet. This really is a great way to bag yourself £5 for just 2 minutes work and start your online earning journey!
Get £15 from Plum
Another Fintech company offering a fantastically easy way to grab some free money is Plum. By simply downloading their app and signing up to their money-saving service for FREE you can earn £15 every time 3 of your friends or family are referred to them.

There is no limit on how many people you refer so for another 3 it’s another £15, for 9 it’s £45 in total etc. The earning potential is limitless!
Get a FREE SHARE worth up to £100 from Trading212 and Freetrade
One final way you can grab some SUPER EASY MONEY is taking advantage of the FREE SHARE you can get by signing up to Trading212 which will be worth up to £100 with most sitting around the £20-£70 mark.

This is a REALLY easy one to do. By signing up to Trading212 and depositing £1 you get given a free share. You can then sell that share 30 days later and withdraw the profit. That’s it, no catch!
- Sign up to Trading212 and deposit £1
- You will be allocated your free share worth up to £100 the next working day
- After 30 days you can sell the share and withdraw the money!

Make sure to check out our review of Trading 212 if you want to find out more information about them.

- Add your details
- Deposit £1 (via Bank transfer takes an hour or two)
- Get your Free Share (shows as a mystery share until it is revealed)
- Wait 7-10 days for your share to be revealed
- Sell the share
- Withdraw Cash!
So with all the above said let’s get on and show you 20+ Work from home jobs for Mums!
Risk Free Matched Betting – Typical Monthly Earnings (£600+ a month)

Let us start with what is easily the most profitable and highest paying online work out there.
Why is this the perfect job for mums? Well, you can dip in and out of it whenever you like and it never takes more than a few minutes to do and one of the biggest benefits of Matched Betting is that it is
We’re written a HUGE Beginner’s Guide To Matched Betting which is written in plain English and covers everything about the topic if you’ve never heard of it before!
Matched Betting is basically taking advantage of all those ‘Bet £10 get £20 free bet’ offers you see advertised all over football and horse racing by doing the same mathematic calculation over and over and over again!
I only started with a £60 bank and have never put any more money in and yet I’ve made over £40,000 from it alone but if you want to give it a go TODAY just simply sign up to the FREE TRIAL on Profit Accumulator. You’ll make around £45 while having your hand held throughout the entire thing and see just how easy it is!
If you want more details before you jump into Matched Betting then take a read of our
Blogging – Typical Monthly Earnings (£400+ a month once you start accepting paid content)

Not an Instant Earner this one but it does have UNLIMITED earning potential. Setting up a blog these days is easy to do and doesn’t cost much at all. There are fantastic hosting deals out there like the one we run with HostPresto on their DECA Package by using the code “TMSPresto” at the checkout which will then get you a FREE DOMAIN, The ability to host up to 6 websites, Free SSL, Free Migration (if you already have a blog elsewhere!) all for only £33.
Blogging in the simplest form is just a case of choosing a topic or niche to write about and then writing everything down. As you put up more and more content and grow in popularity you will get opportunities to get sponsored posts which will pay you per blog post or share affiliate links where you write content, include a link and then you earn money each time someone uses that link.
So if you chose to run a blog about ‘New Mum Life’ and included an affiliate link for buying a brand of nappies in a blog post all about ‘how concerned you should be about your childs nappy rash’ it would be a natural fit and earn you money each time someone bought one!
Another great earner for bloggers is to run ads on their site. Companies like offer you contextual ads (so the ads change based on the content around it!) which can make you a fantastic passive income!
eBay Reselling – Typical Monthly Earnings (£300+ a month)

Selling on eBay really feels like it has been around since the dawn of time but being able to do eBay ‘Reselling’ is something that has only taken off in the last few years.
Reselling is the practice of buying an item specifically to then sell on eBay for a profit. So you might source your items from car boots, auctions, charity shops or even other online places that sell items such as Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace.
It’s a topic that has been discussed extensively over on The Money Shed Forum in the Reselling section but the best advice for anyone starting up is to start small and scale up!
So if you wanted to invest £20 to give this a go, then head to your local car boot, spend £20 on items that are something you know about and then re-invest the profit as what you don’t want to end up doing in buying a lot of stock which is about a topic you don’t know about and then you are unable to sell it! I found out the hard way with this when I bought a large supply of luminous hotpants a few years back and was unable to shift them!
Over the years I’ve seen people make a fortune from eBay reselling and they have all enjoyed the flexibility that it offers and the feeling of being in charge of everything so if you have an eye for a bargain it’s a great way to earn money!
Surveys – Typical Monthly Earnings (£100+ a month)

Truth be told these are without a doubt not the highest earners out there however online they are VERY popular with Mums who are just looking for something to do while they are feeding their newborn child that doesn’t take any real thinking power!
The only two survey companies that I think are worth your time are Qmee and Opinion Outpost. The former offers you the chance to do surveys for money not only on your laptop but on your Smartphone as well! Qmee also some other great ways of earning much such as offer paywalls offers and the ability to get paid by just searching for terms on Google!
The other advantage of Qmee is that there is NO MINIMUM needed to cash out. Meaning you can get access to your earnings straight away! Perfect!
If Surveys are your thing then a great blog post to read is our best paid surveys online list which covers everything you could ever want to know about the topic!
Affiliate Marketing Typical Monthly Earnings (£100+ a month)

I know I mentioned this above in the Blogging section however you can actually do affiliate marketing without running a website and a great number of people do it that way! Simply by sharing your links on social media where relevant, you can earn a great income.
Affiliate websites such as Awin let you sign up to programs for all the main UK online retailers and then it’s just a case of sharing the links. Some people will maybe create a Facebook group all about ‘Keeping your house clean when you have a dog’ and then will share their links to various dog or house cleaning products in there and if they have an engaged enough audience will make a great income from it!
Online Paid Research Studies – Typical Monthly Earnings (£150+ a month)

I like to think of these as ‘online surveys’ but far, FAR higher paying! You simply apply for research studies that you think will suit you and then get notified by email or text message if you have been accepted onto the study. As I mentioned, the pay is fantastic and there are people on The Money Shed forum who have earned a boatload of cash through doing a study every few weeks.
The studies tend to be anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes long and just require you to talk (usually via webcam) about a topic you will already know about. The study could be a simple 1 on 1 approach with a brand or it could be a few of you in a ‘chat room’ for a more focus group approach. are the number 1 company online for these online paid research studies so if you want to get paid for sharing your knowledge and experience then head on over! Payment is via PayPal which you receive a week or two after the study concluded.
Smartphone Task Apps – Monthly Earning Potential (£200+ a month)

These are apps like Roamler, BeMyeEye, StreetSpotr and a handful of others which all offer you the chance to head to our a local spot, take a few photos and get paid VERY well for them (£5+).
The tasks typically involve going to, say, a local Tesco store, taking a photo of the Pepsi Max display and then answering a few questions about if there were any gaps in the display or how the promotion worked.
You submit all the photos and answers via the app on your smarphone and then you get paid a few hours later, more often than not through PayPal. The great thing about this sort of work is that it is entirely dynamic. You might live near Manchester, and today there aren’t any tasks on there but you check again a few days later and there
There are lots of other great ways to earn money on your smartphone to make sure to check out our Top 10 Money Making Apps.
If you download Roamler and it asks you for a Roamler Invite or Activation Code you can get access to our ongoing Roamler Invite Code on our forum once you get your post count to 10 with good quality posts.
Transcribe Work – Monthly Earning Potential (£300+ a month)

Fasters fingers win the race here! If you are a dab hand at using the keyboard then this could be the opportunity for you. Transcribe work is an extension of Data Entry Work where you are sent audio files which you will listen to on a headset and then type the words and punctuation out! Companies such as TakeNote tend to be one of the highest paying ones out there. Others to consider are Crowdsurf, Casting Words and Rev. If you have any kind of medical background as well there is great money to be made in doing transcribe work within the medical field which a few of the companies offer. For this sort of work I would always recommend purchasing a laptop headset instead of using your
Text Message Q&A Work – Monthly Earning Potential (£500+ a month)

If you think back to the
Well, those companies are actually still going and they are bigger than ever as they have grown across the whole of the world. Working for a text Q&A service basically involves logging into a website (a lot of people actually think this sort of work is done on their phone but it isn’t!) and replying to the answer as they come in! You can log in whenever you want and just work away! You are paid by the question and while some may be easy to answer others may require a bit of Googling if it’s a tricky homework type one.
Taking advantage of Offer Sites – Monthly Earning Potential (£50+ a month)

This is an easy one to do in the background and each offer will only take a few minutes to do. OhMyDosh is a what is called an ‘offer or paywall site’. You would
The only important thing about earning money this way is that you remember to cancel any trials the services actually start taking money. As long as you do that you will be fine!
Are these sort of websites worth
Website User Testing – Monthly Earning Potential (£150+ a month)

Have you ever been on a website and even though you wanted to do something on it like ordering a product the design and layout of the thing have really put you off? Well doing Website User Testing is a way you can have some influence over that! There are two main companies that offer this sort of work to the UK, TestingTime and uTest. The former pays £5+ per task and they will give you a website to go to, you run some specialist software that captures your screen so the client when they can the report can see what you are clicking on and it also records your audio as you describe how you feel when you are using the website. You aren’t always checking websites on your laptop either, sometimes it could involve using your phone or tablet as well so there is extra money to be made here!
uTest is slightly more technical and generally higher paying and we’ve got a more detailed guide about uTest you can read which covers what the work is like and how much they tend to pay
Freelance Writing – Monthly Earning Potential (£300+ a month)

A lot of Mums when they are at home with the children each day still like to keep their creative juices flowing and freelance writing is a fantastic way to do that! There are a number of ways to get work but the easiest when you are just starting out is usually offering your services on websites like PeoplePerHour and Fiverr. You simply create yourself an ad letting people know how much you will write and for how much (so maybe start off with say 700 words for £10) and then you can scale it from there. A lot of people one they have got a good number of regular clients will end up taking those clients OFF those platforms and working with them directly meaning that they can charge more!
Traditional Mystery Shopping – Monthly Earning Potential (£200+ a month)

This is perhaps one of the main staples in the ‘earning money from home’ world. Much like the work described above in the Smartphone Task App
A typical Mystery Shopping assignment would be going into a restaurant, ordering a meal and then writing a report about the quality of food and service that you received. Your expenses are covered by the Mystery Shopping company and of course, there is a fee on top of that for your time writing the report. One of the easiest places to start if you would like to give this a go is with Market Force.
They have a LOT of the high street chains on their books and will more than likely have work available in your area. All their instructions are clearly written and it’s a great website to ‘cut your teeth’ in the world of Mystery Shopping. If you are looking for other firms offering different experiences then take a look at Retail Active or Tern Mystery Shopping.
If you want to know more about Traditional Mystery Shopping then take a read of our blog post all about it as we chat to someone who does full time mystery shopping in the UK.
Teach English Online – Monthly Earning Potential (£400+ a month)

This is a work from home job opportunity that has really grown over the last few years with many using it as a great way to earn money online. This sort of work is basically put into two camps; Companies that want someone who is qualified to teach English as a second language and those that just want someone who is fluent in English.
In the former camp, there is
If you don’t hold the above qualifications then you can look at companies such as Cambly which pay $10.20 per hour max. You are paid per minute that you talk at the rate of $0.17 a minute so the longer you can keep them in the ‘tutor’ session the more you will earn.

FluidStack is actually one of the easiest ways that you can earn money online, and you could get started within minutes. It is a platform that allows you to earn a passive income from your laptop or computer every single month.
It is basically a platform that allows users to sign up and use their computer as a cloud server, allowing website content to be distributed around the world right from your desktop.
It may sound complex but it’s actually simple when you break it down as we have done in our detailed Fluidstack review. If you’re not using your PC, it just sits there until you log back on, but when you sign up to FluidStack, when your computer becomes idle it allows FluidStack to access a small portion of your bandwidth to act as a server for others to share content and media.
There are only 2 requirements to sign up to FluidStack.
- A desktop computer or laptop.
- A good internet speed, an upload speed of 10Mbps is acceptable, anything better is always a bonus
Simply install the software and keep it on your computer, it just runs in the background, so it won’t affect your computer in any way.
Cashback sites – Monthly Earning Potential (£100+ ONE OFF!)

Another ‘Short Term’ earner here but a cracker no the less! You’ve no doubt heard of cashback websites such as TopCashBack and
There is a huge range of Bingo sites for you to sign up to and play. Many of the offers simply require you to sign up and wager a small amount of money which will put your in profit with every site you go to via TopCashBack. As always with cashback it can take a few
Micro / Niche Tasks – Monthly Earning Potential (£200+ a month)

Many of you reading this will have already heard of the Gig Economy. It a nutshell it is paying people to do smaller tasks in larger chunks. Typically the tasks will be ‘

No matter what your skill you can bet there are people out there who will pay for it. I remember once I got paid for creating a spreadsheet which covered all the players in the Premier League at the time and various stats about them and it actually paid really well (I think around £90 for maybe 2 hours work!). One of the main sites offering this type of work is ClickWorker which offers a huge variety of tasks from audio transcribe work through to ‘go out and take a photo’ type experiences.
Web Search Evaluator Work – Monthly Earning Potential (£600+ a month)

Have you ever searched for something in Google and not got quite the results you were after?
Web Search Evaluator work is available through Appen. The work involves helping to ‘rate’ the results that you get when you search for a particular term. Before you start work will need to Qualify.
You must pass an exam, which is undertaken over a week-long period whereby you will sit three stages of the exam, to test your theoretical and practical knowledge and ability to work effectively in the role. Before the exam is scheduled, you will receive some guidelines, and you can use these to help you during each stage of the exam. Details of the exam are confidential but you can typically expect to spend around 10 hours on completing all of the parts. It will take around 14 days from your initial application to receiving details of the exam, to being notified of your passing it and beginning working.
Once you start you are paid above the UK Minimum wage per hour and payment is made to your nominated bank account each month just like a regular wage in a normal office job.
Don’t let the 3 part exam put you off, I would say it is worth the effort of studying and qualifying because the earning potential for this is excellent and you can just login and work whenever you want to!
Customer Service Work – Monthly Earning Potential (£500+ a month)

Now this one may require a little more commitment than the others but it’s an excellent opportunity!
Did you know when sometimes when you ring to speak to your
Rent out your car parking space – Monthly Earning Potential (£150+ a month)

This is a great way to earn money in
Proofreading – Typical Monthly Earnings (£200+ a month)

If you have an eye for detail, a sound understanding of grammar, and sentence structure, then proofreading could be the perfect work from home job for you. Content is being produced every day, and anything that comes across as sloppy and riddled with mistakes hardly presents a company in a positive light. That is why companies are happy to pay people like you before their content is published.
It could be website content, a new blog, or even a whole book that clients ask you to check. Going through this with a fine-tooth comb, highlighting any errors, and making changes can see you earn a decent monthly income. It’s easily achievable to earn £200 a month by doing this part-time from home, and some members of The Money Shed are making a lot more. There are even online tools that you can use to spot some of the most common occurring errors to make this job slightly less time-consuming.
If you’re wondering where you can get this type of work from, there are sites such as Fiverr, People Per Hour, and Upwork that are full of potential clients looking for you to do this work. You can create your own profile very quickly and then wait for people to find you, or you can actively search for jobs and put together a proposal. People Per Hour will even notify you each time that a job is posted that you are a good fit for.
Selling on Amazon – Typical Monthly Earnings (£300+ a month)

£300 a month is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to earning money from home on Amazon. There is the potential to generate thousands of pounds, month in month out when you get this one right. With Amazon, you can literally sell anything and have access to the largest online marketplace that there is: a ready-made audience waiting to buy your products.
If you’re juggling child care and all of the other demands that a family brings, you may be thinking that the last thing that you want to be doing is constantly packing and posting items when you get a sale. This is where Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) comes in. If you don’t want your home resembling a warehouse, and you don’t have the time for constant trips to the post office, FBA can be a lifesaver.
By sending your products to Amazon, you can store them in their warehouses. Every time you make a sale, Amazon takes care of it for you. It is packaged and dispatched by Amazon themselves meaning that as a stay at home mum, you can still earn a decent income, with a lot of the hassle removed. Of course, Amazon charges a fee for using this service, but given the amount of work it removes from your end, this is well worth paying for.
See our ultimate guide to Amazon FBA here to see more!
Social Media Management – Typical Monthly Earnings (£200+ a month)

Every business these days has a social media page: wherever you shop, whatever services you use, you can be sure that the company has, as a minimum, a Facebook page. Businesses big and small, also put some of their advertising spend into using Facebook ads. Whereas the big household names will have a huge team managing their social media, smaller local businesses are often left doing this themselves, with varying results.
By learning about social media, such as what makes a great page, how to write a killer ad, and how to target the right audience, you can become a great asset to a local business. By running ad campaigns for a small business you can easily charge £200 a month for your services. As you develop your skills you can charge even more, and you can obviously have more than one client. A testimonial or 2 showing how you have generated more income for a business, will make it easier to land other clients in the future.
What makes this perfect for stay at home mums is that you don’t need to be glued to your laptop at set times of the day. There are a whole host of tools that will automate posting times and frequency for you. Getting things set at the start of the week can see you rarely having to revisit it as the week goes on.
Drop shipping – Typical Monthly Earnings (£200+ a month)

For a long time now, the thought of an online business has been seen as the perfect way for stay-at-home mums to earn extra money. What has often put people off though, is the thought of creating a website, and the upfront costs of buying stock. The risk of getting it wrong and being stuck with hundreds of the same item is hardly appealing. This is where drop shipping comes in as it does away with both of these issues.
By using a platform such as Shopify, anyone can quickly create an online store and start selling products. Of course, you’re also going to need some great content on your site as well as just listing your products, but the initial set up is very easy. When it comes to sourcing products to sell, platforms such as Aliexpress allow you to drop ship. This means that you never hold any stock. When a customer buys from your site, you place the order at Aliexpress who then forward the item directly to your customer. There are also drop shippers based in the UK who stock a huge range of items.
As a stay-at-home mum where time is precious, there is no need to worry about fulfilling orders and getting items posted out to your customers. This is all taken care of for you. What makes this even more appealing is that there are tools that can automate the whole process. From monitoring stock levels at the supplier to placing your order, this can effectively be hands-off, and a very profitable business for years to come.
So that’s your lot for now! Over £5170 worth of online opportunities that any Mum can do from home! As ever, if you want to chat about this or ANYTHING money related head on over to our forum and join in!
Some of the most popular stay at home jobs for mums are data entry, freelance writing, virtual assistant, online tutoring, blogging, website testing, transcribing, and customer service work.
Web Search Evaluator work pays above the UK minimum wage per hour, Risk Free Matched Betting will bring in over £500+ a month and working for a company such as Arise doing Customer Service work will bring in a good level of income.
For most stay at home jobs you just need a laptop and maybe a headset of some kind for if you wanted to get into earning money doing transcribe work.
Yes, you can. There are so many high paying opportunities online now where you can earn from the comfort of your home that earning the equivalent of a full-time wage isn’t difficult at all.

Has anyone done any chat jobs? What are they like reliable, legal etc