We can all struggle with money at times. When your bank balance isn’t looking too healthy, it’s easy to assume there’s not much we can do about it until payday rolls back around. But actually, the answer to your problems could be right under your feet, and you could be sitting on a goldmine with your home. Here are some ideas for how to make money with it.
Rent out a spare room
If you have a spare room at home, have you ever considered renting it out? Working professionals and students often need a simple, basic room and chances are you’ll hardly even see or hear from them as they’re out most of the day. Why not get a free rental valuation and see if this is something worth doing? It could be a short term thing such as six months to a year where the extra income can help you to save or get out of debt. Or it could be something you consider doing permanently. If you renovate and add things like an ensuite bathroom to the room you’re renting out, not only will you add value to your home but you’ll also boost the amount you can charge for it. If you live close to a town or city or a university you could definitely be sitting on a goldmine with a spare room. If you live somewhere pretty and scenic, how about signing up to AirBnB? Either way, renting out a room will earn you some decent cash so look into it if it’s of interest.
Start working from home
These days, there are tons of legitimate and fun ways to earn money from home. If you have a spare room, how about turning it into an office and doing some freelance writing, design work or setting up your own business? You could make your own items to sell, or you could buy from a wholesaler then sell them on for a profit. Because this is something you can do in your free time in a flexible way, you can fit it around your normal worth or other commitments. And if you choose something you enjoy doing, it won’t even feel like hard work! Later down the line once you’re more established, it could even become your main source of income. Either way, working from home is an excellent way to earn yourself some extra cash.
Sell what you no longer need
Perhaps you’ve upgraded your smartphone or tablet, and the old one is sat in a drawer collecting dust. Maybe you have a collection of vintage clothes that you no longer use, it could be jewellery, designer bags or even simple items like CDs and DVDs. Whatever you have at home that you no longer use, you can sell and raise some money. Not only does this boost your bank balance, but it’s an opportunity to declutter too. This frees up space for the things you do use and love, instead of hoarding things that do nothing but collect dust.
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