Over the last couple of years, matched betting has become the number one go-to method of earning money from home. Whether you’re looking to earn a little bit of extra cash to use on a rainy day, or want to turn it into a full time, work from home career, matched betting can pave the way to financial freedom.
Having said that, it’s also true that a lot of people simply aren’t seeing the returns that they should be from this amazing money making venture. With that in mind the guys over at Odds Watchdog a list of my top 5 elements to make the most of matched betting
1. One-to-One Guidance
Matched betting software makes the entire process simple these days. You’re told what to bet on, how much to bet, and exactly how much profit you’ll make. This is great, but as well as being told what to do, it’s just as important to understand why you’re doing it.
Sure, you can follow instructional videos and earn a pretty penny from welcome bonuses, but many people start to struggle when it comes to reload offers. Once you’ve reached that stage, you’re presented with less detailed instructions, and this can be intimidating for certain individuals. Nobody wants to make a mistake. Especially when there’s money involved.
That’s where one-to-one guidance comes in to play. Having the option of contacting a trustworthy source directly, and receiving guidance quickly, makes the entire learning process much more manageable. Whether you have a question about the mechanics behind matched betting, or simply need some extra information about how to approach an offer, you should feel confident that there’s someone to contact directly.
2. The Ability to Identify Value
Matched betting services are great for plenty of reasons, but one of the key selling points is their time saving benefits. As a member of a matched betting service, you’re paying to be told which daily promotions to take advantage of, and how to complete them to guarantee profit.
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to matched betting. In fact, some of the best promotions around can be found in the depths of email folders all over the UK. These promotions are generally offered to individual accounts, so your matched betting service is unlikely to see it.
Therefore, to not leave money on the table (or in the bottom of your spam folder), it’s important to know how to identify which of these offers are valuable and which are junk. Your matched betting service should provide you with all the information you need to be able to do this. You should also have a place to ask for advice directly.
3. Bankroll Building
When it comes to matched betting, it really is true that money makes money. The more money you have available, the more offers you can complete at the same time. Small bankrolls make life difficult. It’s frustrating to see lots of value on the table, only to not be able to take advantage of it as your funds are tied up in other places.
Your matched betting service should be encouraging you to spend the first few months of your journey building up your bankroll. Yes, that means no shopping sprees or investments for a while.
One of the most important aspects of bankroll growth is knowing where your money is at all times. You should be provided with adequate spreadsheets that don’t take a great deal of time to master, and these should allow you to track your deposits, bets, estimated value, profit/loss, withdrawals, and any other notes you’d like to make. This will make an enormous difference to your mindset when it comes to knowing where you’re currently at on your journey.
4. Casino Knowledge
Trying to understand how casino promotions offer great long term value is perhaps the most challenging aspect of matched betting. Most of us are naturally risk averse, and so our minds often scream “GAMBLING!” when we first run into instructions for casino promotions.
Whether (or not) you make a profit on a single instance, casino offers undoubtedly hold the key to a vast amount of extra income. It’s important that your matched betting service takes the time to teach you why this is the case, so you can feel confident in taking part in the promotions. You should be able to ask as many questions as you like about casino offers without feeling embarrassed. Once you’ve come to terms with how it all works, you’ll be set for life.
5. Community
Matched betting is something you can do on your own. After all, you’re the person choosing which offers to take part in, what bets to place, and spending the lovely profit once your bank has grown enough.
It’s fair to say, however, that you’ll be better off with a group of supportive likeminded individuals around you. There are plenty of advantages to this. Advice can be sought quickly, time can be saved through shared knowledge, and extra money can be acquired when someone finds a well-hidden offer or loophole. Too many cooks do not spoil the broth when it comes to matched betting advice. Get involved and help others out. You never know what it may lead to.
Final Thoughts
Without doubt, matched betting is the number one money maker on the internet. With the correct guidance and mindset, the profits generated through matched betting can be life changing.
At Odds Watchdog, we’ve made it our mission to ensure that our members earn as much money as possible. We’re always around to answer questions, provide one-to-one and group live video tutorials, and look to help people to become expert matched bettors as quickly as possible.
Try us out for free now, or sample our Premium Membership for only £1. We look forward to working alongside you, and wish you all the best on your matched betting journey.
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