
How to ensure road safety without breaking the bank

ensure road safety

Running into difficulties with your vehicle when you’re out and about is a nightmare at the best of times. It’s even worse when you’re traveling on long distances, are in an unfamiliar location, or find yourself stuck in a remote area. One of the problems drivers face is that changes in regulations are actually making it easier to end up stranded than ever before. 

Since 2012, vehicle regulations have changed regarding spare wheels. In fact, manufacturers are no longer required to provide a spare wheel with their vehicles. This has led to an increase in breakdown callouts for punctures and other tyre related issues.

Even if you’ve purchased breakdown cover with the likes of the AA and RAC, you could still find yourself stranded for a long period of time as you wait for someone from your service provider to arrive.

Thankfully, there is now a solution to this problem that will prevent you from ending up stuck at the side of the road somewhere with a puncture or other wheel issue waiting for rescue.

What Is the Road Hero Space Saver Spare Wheel?

Road Hero is a specially designed wheel kit that contains everything you need to get back on the road if you’ve got a puncture or other wheel issues.

Since the 2012 changes to spare wheel regulations, the Road Hero steps in to make sure you don’t end up stranded with no option but to helplessly wait for a roadside recovery provider to turn up.

You can get your hands on the Road Hero Space Saver Spare Tyre from Elite Direct Tyres

What Does the Road Hero Contain?

The Road Hero is more than a simple spare wheel. It contains all the tools and accessories you need to get back on the road and on the way to your destination quickly and safely:

  • Space Saver Wheel
  • Universal Jack
  • Wheel Brace
  • Warning Triangle
  • Gloves
  • Kneeling Mats
  • Head Torch
  • Rain Poncho and High Vis

What Are the Benefits of the Road Hero?

The most obvious benefit of the Road Hero is the fact that it provides you with a spare wheel. But it’s much more than that. This is a kit that contains everything you need to be able to change a wheel quickly and safely.

The kneeling mats, gloves, and rain poncho serve to keep you comfortable, dry, and clean as you get to work. The head torch helps you to see what you’re working on while the universal jack works perfectly with lots of vehicles. This is especially important if you end up stranded in the dark. Not only that, but the warning triangle and high vis allow you to remain safe and noticeable as other vehicles may pass you by.

Ultimately, the Road Hero is a great piece of kit that is both functional and space saving. Owning the Road Hero could be the difference between getting yourself out of a tricky situation quickly and having to wait around for long periods of time at the side of a road. It’s a no-brainer for people looking to buy an effective wheel replacement kit that also doesn’t take up too much space in a vehicle.

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Written by themoneyshed

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