
How to Find the Perfect Wheelchair Accessible Flat

How to Find the Perfect Wheelchair Accessible Flat

Do you have a disability and want a flat that is wheelchair accessible? You should consider visiting flat search sites to narrow down your options. Some search sites have listings of wheelchair accessible flats.


You should not waste time when looking for a wheelchair accessible flat. Here are some tips that will help you to choose the best flat for your needs:

Features to Consider

Accessible features refer physical modifications done to a flat that allow for better mobility whether by wheelchair or on foot. The best examples of accessible features include lower power outlets, toilet and shower grab bars, and wider doorways to facilitate easier movement. Moving services such as UMoveFree should also be able to bring in your stuff easily.

Use Search Sites

To find the best flat for your needs, you should choose “disability access” as an amenity or feature on the search site. To find such options, you might have to do an advanced search. The largest property sites in the UK include Rightmove and Zoopla. Such sites offer an approximate amount of what you will have to pay to live in different parts of the city.


Many websites are dedicated to helping renters find the right flat for their needs. To find sites that list wheelchair accessible flats, you should use search engine such as Google to search “accessible flats”.

Ask the Right Questions

When looking for an accessible flat, you have to write down a list of questions that you must ask the landlord. Knowing all the specific details will aid you to make the right decisions remember your potential needs. Here are some important questions that you need to ask:

–          Is the shower or tub big enough and does it have grab bars?

–          Are the hallways wide enough to fit a wheelchair comfortably?

–          Are the doors at least 32 inches in width?

–          Does the flat have a parking area with dedicated spaces for handicapped persons?

–          Do the flat’s doors open with knobs or handles?

–          How low are the counters?

–          Are there ramps?


Other than knowing that the flat is right for you on the inside, you also need to make sure that it is accessible on the outside. Here are some things to consider:

–          Is there a public transport stop near the flat?

–          Can you access the common areas with ease?

–          Do restaurants and pharmacies deliver to the flat?

–          Can you access nearby stores from the flat?

–          Do the nearby zebra crossings have all the right crossing sounds and lights for your safety?

–          Are the streets and pavements too congested for a wheelchair user?

–          Do the pavements have ramps?

Look at Newer Flats

When looking for a wheelchair-accessible flat, you should give more attention to newer flats because they are more likely to be accessible. Most new flats are including accessible common areas and handicap parking spaces. Moreover, they also have wider doorways and low counters in the kitchen. You should make use of your computer to find accessible apartments much faster.

Hire a Local Estate Agent

You need to deal directly with estate agents, as they know more about the housing market than you do. These people will help you to find the best accessible flats in your area. You also need to contact your local authorities – they might be able to suggest the best properties for your needs.


Finding a wheelchair-accessible flat is not always easy, especially if you have never looked for one by yourself. You will need plenty of help from estate agents and online search sites.

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Written by themoneyshed

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