eLearning systems are essential eLearning tools upon which online training modules and courses are designed. They are invaluable in the eLearning realm offering a number of solutions that include:
- Organizing eLearning materials in a central place.
- Different parties like parents and educators can track student’s progress ensuring that they are hitting the required milestones.
- Course materials become easily accessible and they can be expanded with ease.
- Cost of learning is not as expensive as before.
- Integrates the social aspects of learning.
- Allows institutions to stay up-to-date with relevant compliance regulations, etc.
Scanning the list above, it will be safe to say that eLearning cannot be as successful without the eLearning systems in place. Sadly, all is not rosy with these systems because they face various security threats. Among the most prevalent has got to be an unexpected loss of data. Thankfully, there is a solution for every threat to eLearning systems. For instance, with storage, administrators of the systems can always utilize MySQL backup tools to access data anytime there is a hitch. Examples of other security threats that eLearning systems face as well as their solutions include:
Confidentiality Violation
With eLearning systems, it may be possible for an unauthorized person to access the resources in the system. It can be any person from a scholar who is not registered for a particular course or a hacker who is out to create trouble. Malicious individuals can change the contents of the system so that students do not end up with the study materials they need, leading to a lot of mistrust in the systems.
To alleviate this kind of risk, implementation of cryptography comes in handy. Multiple cryptographic techniques and tools can be used to boost the security of various online transactions. This helps to prevent attacks to the eLearning systems so that the services of the systems run uninterrupted. ISM (Information Security Management) as well as procedures, processes, organizational structures, policies, software, and hardware functionalities, also need to be executed properly in a bid to pacify against any security risks and threats.
Virus Threats
Computer viruses can also pose a threat to eLearning systems. They are programs that are designed to alter the operations of a certain computer without the knowledge or permission of the user. In most cases, the virus will execute itself causing a lot of damage in the process.
To avoid suffering from such, it is essential to educate everyone who interacts with the systems to be careful about the programs they end up opening because some of them may be destructive viruses. People should also use USB drives with a lot of caution. Another step to take is to ensure that antiviruses and firewall that the systems use are up-to-date and strong, therefore blocking any viruses that are trying to interfere with the eLearning systems.
System Developers Risk
The limiting factors of an eLearning system may come from the developer. The developers of these systems must understand that the design and the delivery of the eLearning products require sophisticated hardware components. These include quality database and web servers, broadband lease, LMS line, as well as robust infrastructure that can accommodate all the necessary web-based applications and numerous users.
If this fails, it may imply that the system needs a complete overhaul which can be costly and complex. To avoid such, it is best to test and retest the systems before releasing them to the users to ensure they end up with secure and usable eLearning systems that will run without too many complications.
Phishing Threats
Phishers are usually on the prowl masquerading as trustworthy businesses or persons. Their main aim is to steal sensitive personal and financial details through avenues such as fraudulent instant messages and emails. These are internet-based attacks that can turn out to be quite tragic. Just like with viruses, the solution for this typically lies in how a person operates when they are online. Treat all email attachments with caution. Try as much as possible to reduce spam and be keen when dealing with digital signatures. Users should also be cautious when using Chat Rooms and Instant Messaging to make sure that they are safe. The same applies to the use of Social Network sites, individuals and administrators need to be vigilant when using their favorite social media sites.
Final Thoughts
eLearning came in to revolutionize the education discipline, therefore changing the way students access various courses. Above are a few examples of risks that eLearning systems may face as well as counterpart techniques that can be used to minimize these risks. Administrators need to be on their toes to make sure that the systems are working in the best interest of all participants so that eLearning can go on successfully with minor or no hitches at all. Today technology presents a number of resources that can help boost the security of eLearning systems so that the masses can take advantage of these without any problem.
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