
How you can get the best price on eBookers even without a Voucher or Discount Code!

ebookers voucher code

Ever booked a hotel and then seen the price cheaper elsewhere or seen the price drop on the same website you booked with a few weeks later. Or maybe you went to book and didn’t have access to a voucher or discount code. Well, the good news if that with eBookers you don’t even need one in the first place if you use this loophole!

On most holiday company websites here is nothing you can do about it however there is one holiday website you can book with where I GUARANTEE you will end up paying less than anywhere else offering that hotel and will always get the lowest price available.

ebookers is a holiday website that offers a quick and easy price match service UP TO 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU CHECK-IN at your hotel! So if you book that hotel and then see it cheaper elsewhere next week it’s no longer the end of the world!

The Price Guarantee Form is very easy to use and takes about 2 minutes to fill in and everything after that is automated and they refund the money back to the card you purchased your hotel booking with.

I’ve recently spent over almost £1600 on hotels in America (which was the cheapest price at the time of booking as well!) and thanks to eBookers have got that price down to nearly £1400 with 3 months left until I travel!

How to GUARANTEE you get the cheapest hotel price in 3 steps


The first thing you need to do is book your hotel via eBoookers. Their prices are always very competitive so it doesn’t matter if it’s a one night stay at a Raddison Blu in Manchester or a luxury weekend away down in London you will always get a fantastic price.

My Original hotel booking with eBookers
current ebookers price
My current eBookers price after using the price comparison loophole


Once your booking is made your best friend going forward is going to be Trivago. Trivago is a hotel comparison website which once you’ve told it what you are after will go off and price match your requirements making sure you get the best price. We won’t be using them for actually purchasing anything we just want to use their comparison feature to check for if our hotel booking is available elsewhere at a cheaper price.

Trivago Price Comparison

As you can see when you search for your hotel Trivago goes off and checks lots of other websites to see if you can get the same deal cheaper elsewhere. Once you see your hotel you can get eBookers to refund the difference back to your card!

The first thing you need to go is click through to that reduced hotel price and take a screen grab that shows the hotel details / price / room details. It’s just so that eBookers can see that this is a like for like quote. The good thing about hotel comparison is that 99% of the time they are like for like. A family room at a Holiday Inn is going to be the same on every hotel website, that room configuration isn’t going to change!


Now we simply need to head on over to the ebookers Price Guarantee Page and type in details of the lower price we have found for our hotel booking.

The ebookers price guarantee page

Here it is just a simple case of filling in details about our existing booking and about the new price that is found.

One tip I will give you if that on the  “Where did you find the lower price” box you need to put the EXACT website address. So don’t just put in put in the website address that actually takes them to a page that shows them the hotel at a cheaper price.

Attach the screenshot you took earlier and then add a note at the bottom simply saying that you have found your existing booking of X amount available now at price Y at holiday company Z’s website and then Submit the application.

You will get an email confirming your application and I’ve found it usually takes around 48hours for them to come back to you and confirm the price refund.

ebookers price guarantee refund
ebookers price guarantee refund

Now the good thing is that you use this hotel price guarantee loophole as many times as you like up to 48hours before you arrive there and I’ve used it multiple times with numerous holidays to drive that hotel price down constantly.

Yes the emphasis is on you to keep checking Trivago either once a week or every few days before you go but it’s worth it knowing you will get the CASH sent back to you and you can be guaranteed you are getting the best price available across all the different holiday selling websites!


There’s actually one extra way to save even more money on your hotel booking with eBookers and it’s via their Bonus+ scheme which is free to sign up to on their website. Think of it as a loyalty scheme that pays you in CASH not POINTS.

ebookers bonus+
ebookers bonus+

As you can see Bonus+ keeps rewarding you for booking hotels with them and you can then use that against any new bookings that you make taking the price down EVER FURTHER!

So next time you are wanting to book a hotel make sure you follow the advice here and make sure you always get the best price you can for your time away from home as it will make it that much more enjoyable!

What do you think?

Written by themoneyshed

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