
How recruitment is getting easier with technology


Times were when applying for a job was 10x more the mission than it is today. You would start by scouring the local newspaper, then writing up a CV and covering letter which you would print out on your old Dot Matrix printer before posting it off. 9 times out of 10 you would get the ‘thanks for your letter but unfortunately..’ reply but every once and while you would be sent back another application form to fill in (by hand!) which would take another day or so to do. Back and forth this whole process would go on with no guarantee of a job at the end of it. Thankfully recruitment is getting easier!

Now, most of this entire process is done online. In fact, in my last job, I remember we had Sage People which managed our recruitment and HR needs. As a manager, I was able to deal with the entire recruitment process from beginning to end online which mean I was able to get staff in quicker when needed.

Looking back at how things were all those years ago it can’t have been much fun for the people working in the HR department either. Everything was being driven by paper records and it would take days at a time just to move onto the next phase of the recruitment so everyone from the applicant to HR to the manager wanting a new staff member was getting wound up by the whole process.

It’s not just HR that has seen improvements thanks to technology. Payroll solutions typically sit in the cloud these days and even appraisals can be filled in from anywhere and are no longer just ‘sit down, chat and write’ type events that they were a few years back. All in all, technology is really helping to make workplaces better for everyone no matter what your position in the company.

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Written by themoneyshed

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