
How To Celebrate A Milestone In 2020


2020 hasn’t quite gone to plan, has it? We are now hurtling towards September and well, we switch between feeling like the year has not quite got started to feeling like the year has lasted forever already.

Life as we know it has been turned upside down, with exams and all the usual things that we would be looking forward to celebrating grinding to a halt. Weddings have been cancelled, big birthdays have gone past quietly rather than with a bang and anniversaries have been celebrated with nothing more than a quiet meal in the safety of your home.

Thankfully, for now, things seem to have stabilised a little and a sense of normality is beginning to return, although big celebrations are still off the cards. If you are looking forward to marking a big event or milestone, here are some creative and fun ways of celebrating while still staying safe.

Organize a trip

Obviously, some places are off the map at the moment unless you are prepared to quarantine as per government guidelines, but there is no harm in doing your research and planning for when this is all over. Whether it is going on an all-inclusive sunny trip to the Caribbean for the sun-seekers or a  wine-tasting getaway to the land of Barolo, Arneis and Moscato for the wine buffs, planning a trip of a lifetime gives you something to look forward to.

Have a socially distanced picnic

While there are restrictions on how many people can gather in a public place, you can certainly have a couple of friends meet up in a garden or a park for a socially distanced picnic. Dig out those fancy picnic blanket and spread them out, pack a fancy picnic – no soggy cheese sandwiches and flasks of tea; think good wine, fresh fruit and artisan bread, cheese and meat. 

Have a date night at home

We don’t mean slobbing in front of the TV in tracksuit bottoms and calling it a date night. We mean making a real night of it – laying the table, candles, a great meal either homemade or ordered in and a bottle of your favourite wine. Switch off the TV, put down your mobile phones and enjoy talking and reconnecting. If date nights are not your thing, apply the same concept to a dinner party with friends. Just make sure that you adhere to current social distancing guidelines!

Go virtual

We have all heard of Zoom now – if you haven’t, you have probably been living under a rock this year. The good thing about Zoom is that up to 100 people can join in on a video call for free. Get everyone to log in at the same time, grab a drink, choose the most original background that you can and have a virtual get together. You can still play plenty of games – guess the song or the good ol’ pub quiz. 

Celebrations look very different for the time being. How long this will last, no one quite knows, but a pandemic doesn’t have to stop all the fun – it just means you have to get creative!

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Written by themoneyshed

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