Over the last 18 months most of us have spent more time at home than ever before – and whilst there have been some benefits to that, it has meant we haven’t had as much chance to exercise. Whether you’re a gym bunny or more of a couch potato, having good levels of fitness is the best way to look after your wellbeing. The good news is that improving stamina and fitness is something that anyone can do – and here’s how.
It might feel hard at first, but realistically unless you start to work on your fitness levels they’re not going to improve. Depending on your current fitness levels this could simply mean a gentle walk around the block, or it could mean re-starting at the gym. There is no wrong place to start from; you just need to take those first steps on the road to improved stamina and fitness.
Create a Routine
Just doing the odd workout or walk here and there will help but won’t be as effective as they could be. Instead, you will want to look at creating a routine, ideally with an end goal in sight. For example, you might want to commit to walking for half an hour a day 5 days a week, with the idea that you’ll work towards being able to walk an hour at a time. Set your own goals depending on your current fitness levels and what you want to achieve.
Keeping Motivated
You might feel all hyped up now, but the novelty is likely to wear off and you’ll find it hard to get going. This is the time to push through and make sure that you don’t give up. People are motivated in different ways so you need to find what works for you and take it from there. For example, lots of people find that a decent playlist to listen to while they’re walking helps to encourage them out and lift their mood. Other people find that a healthy treat waiting for them when they get home works really well. Experiment with what makes you happiest & use this as a way to stay motivated.
Invest in Tools To Help
There are definitely some investments in tools that can help make your fitness journey much easier. At the very least you’re going to want to make sure that you have some comfortable workout clothes to wear – and comfortable, supportive trainers are an absolute must. It is also worth looking at Inspiratory Muscle Training tools such as POWERbreathe. This tool helps to increase the strength of your inspiratory muscles – the ones that we use when we breathe in. POWERbreathe in particular is a handheld tool that can be used by anyone – even those that already feel they have a decent fitness level; think of it in the same way as you lifting weights to increase the strength of your muscles in your upper arms. There are different types available but the POWERbreathe comes recommended by the World Health Organisation as it’s scientifically proven to help increase muscle strength.
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