As someone who at the time of writing this resides in their late 30s there are things that I do now that I wonder if I am going to be able to keep up as I get older. When you are in your 20s you feel indestructible but as times goes on and the joints start to ache a bit more reality can kick in and make you think about how your life is going to be when you get older. While some people seem to get a second wind and become some sort of carefree, Older Dating guru with advice for everyone that isn’t the case for everyone.
As someone that earns their entire income online but also likes to do a lot of sport, these are the 2 areas of my life that I am probably most concerned about and so it got me to thinking about what I will need to start doing in the years to keep to those things in check!
Eat Healthily
I’m not the best when it comes to eating. I seem to live some sort of 80/20 lifestyle where I will eat healthy food the majority of the time but when for the other 20% I will eat pizza or curries. I justify this by telling myself that due to all the running I do it’s OK for me to eat endless saturated fats but the reality is that I know all this will end up catching up with me!
Protecting my joints
At the moment I’m able to do the likes or running or play squash without my body generally complaining but I know that won’t last forever. As I get older it may be that I need to look into doing more low-impact activities like walking or biking which can help strengthen muscles, support joints, and lessen any pain I might be in. My Dad is a prime example of someone who kept his fitness up and as someone in the ‘elder years’ is able to keep up with the rest of them and even in his 70s play badminton and cricket weekly!
Keep Learning
It’s all too easy I think when you get older to let the grey cells fall by the wayside. I can’t imagine being retired from work and not having something to focus on so I would like to think when I get older I would use that extra time to learn new skills and have new experiences. One thing I’ve actually always wanted to do is do a sort of ‘home improvement’ type course where I can learn to changes taps around the house as I’m just awful at that sort of stuff so maybe my 50s will be the time when I finally learn those skills.
Keep Social
Just because you get older in your years doesn’t mean that you need to become some sort of social recluse. I’m not saying you need to join an over 50s dating site or anything but it’s important that you keep your existing friendship going and also look to make new ones. For a lot of older people that can come about my doing things like volunteering in the local community which can create great friendships with people you didn’t even know existed!
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