There is only so much the internet can teach us. Professional traders have the type of inside knowledge, strategies
Financial Markets Online founders, James Bentley, Samuel Fuller
- Work alongside another professional– having a mentor or working alongside someone with more experience than you, is an invaluable aid when you’re at the beginning of your trading career. It will help you build confidence, understanding and avoid common pitfalls that new traders often make.
- Join a community– join a professional course and you’ll find a group of like-minded and active traders committed to success through continuously improving their professional skills. You’ll become part of a community and will have access to experts who will be able to share insight and strategies, based on live streaming data and analysis and checking out the robinhood app reviews.

- Find a mentor – a good mentor will oversee your trading and be on hand to advise, encourage and, critically, also deter you. They can help you create a plan, develop your own set of rules and support you in staying disciplined enough to stick to them. This can be the difference between making money and losing it.
- Capitalise on profits –trading and investing can generate profits very quickly and in a short space of time. It is important you are on top of these opportunities when they arise. Bank any profit made and adjust any stop losses to break even so you are risk free. This is when your trading will move to new levels.
- Go for a walk – a clear head is a calm and focused head and the key to making good trades and decisions. So, when the pressure starts to build, take a walk around the block and give yourself an opportunity to think things through in terms of strategy and what’s in the best interests of your trading and the positions you currently have. You’ll be amazed what comes to mind when you step away from the charts for a few minutes.
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