
Key Factors For Selling Your House

Key Factors For Selling Your House

Moving house is never an easy task. There are lucky few in this world who could walk up to a building say ‘I’ll take it’ and own a new house with a snap of their fingers. Buying a new home takes time and much consideration – let alone all the finances you have to work out. But it is comparatively easier to buy a house than to sell one – however, there are things that you can do to improve your chances of being able to sell your house fast – because the faster you sell, the quicker you can move into your new home.

Know the market

The real estate market fluctuates between being best for the buyer or best for the seller. Obviously you want it to be leaning in your favour, but at those times there are less buyers out there. So you need to ensure that your house is attractive enough to mark having that higher price tag. Your estate agent will be able to keep you up to speed on the current market and when to lower your asking price – If it comes to that. But you should also look at the market of your location – what are similar houses in the area going for? What do the more expensive houses have that yours doesn’t?

Curb appeal

Curb appeal means having an attractive house. First impressions matter and right from the get go you need your house to be screaming ‘I’m perfect, pick me!’ make sure any front gardens and driveways are groomed and level. Fix any issues with fences, garages and gates – all of these things will be noticed and will be a tick in the box of no thank you. Unless the buyer is specifically looking for a fixer upper, they want to buy a complete package deal with minimal work needing to be done.

Be there for viewings

Some people much prefer being out of the house when potential buyers are being shown around. But it can be extremely handy to be there to talk to the potential buyers. Not only do you have first hand knowledge of living in the house, but also in the area. And you can honestly tell them what it’s like. Don’t follow them around and get in the way though – let the estate agent do their job. Fund do something to do, like baking or reading and be ready to answer questions when they arise.

Make it homely

While your prospective buyers are littering around, have the radio on in the background. Muted noise helps to make the house appear homely and used. Have a few throws and cushions dotted about, with personal touches like an open book on the bed. Again, it makes the house look lived in but not messy. If you can’t bake, then light a vanilla candle – it makes the house smell like freshly baked cookies – again another trick for the homely and lived in house. You want them to think that this house is the perfect loving space, that it is used and lived in.

Be honest

When potential buyers or the estate agent ask you questions about the house, be honest. Don’t lie about the creaky floor boards or the leaky pipe in the outhouse. They will find all of that out anyway through inspections, and it will only hurt you if you’re not upfront about it.

Keep it clean and tidy

As well as having an attractive outside, the inside needs to look great too. A lot of buyers find it easier to imagine their things in the space if they can see how you have your home set up. This way they get a good idea of proportions before moving in and without measuring each room. Think of it like a show home – it looks so much better when it has been set out rather than an empty space, which is why moving out after you sell the house is so much better than the other way around. Avoid clutter. If you have people coming over, make sure that the space is clean and tidy, with all clutter neatly tucked away. Expect that they will want to check out storage space, so don’t just throw everything into the hall closet.


If you’re finding that your house isn’t getting much interest, if could be because of the way it has been decorated. Loud colours or an eclectic design can put people off – again because they like the minimal effort deal and it’s hard to see your things in a space decorated in the exact opposite way you would do it. If you do have to decorate, keep things neutral; magnolia is always the favourite. You don’t have to go crazy, but main rooms like the lounge and kitchen can make a huge impact on prospective buyers.

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Written by themoneyshed

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