Well the Money Shed Money Making Bootcamp is almost over. I can’t believe how fast it has gone! I hope that everyone has been able to learn something new, or at least motivate themselves to get earning again. I’m sure we all have times when we just don’t want to put the effort in. The internet can be a really distracting place. I’m sure we have all noticed that! Keeping yourself motivated is part of the battle when it comes to making money on the net. There are times when I just think oh sod it, and close my laptop. We all need a bit of that! However, if you are ready to get yourself motivated, and still want more, then find out why I love The Money Shed.
Obviously with a vast resource like The Money Shed there are always going to be lots of different ways to make some extra money. Now some of these methods are lower paying opportunities, and some are higher ones. The best way to make money online, in my opinion, is to try and make sure that you are enjoying yourself, to a certain extent. This is especially true if you are someone who already has a full-time job but are just looking to supplement your income a little. You don’t want to be slaving away all evening doing surveys for 50p. Instead you could take part in some in-play matched betting or perhaps earn money on the move with paid apps.
The Money Shed is a fantastic resource, even to a seasoned online moneymaker such as myself. I think that almost anyone can find new ways to make money over on The Money Shed forum. The best section to look at if you want to make money would have to be the earn money online section.
I find using a forum really motivating. It is great to find new ways to make money online but it is also lovely to have like minded people to speak to. Each month we run a moneymaking challenge where we tell one another how we are making money, and how much. This is great as it allows other members to see what it is possible to earn and it helps people keep themselves accountable for their online moneymaking.
The Money Shed has been my home for more than two years now and I’m planning on sticking around for years to come! I have met lots of lovely people on The Money Shed and I love seeing how much everyone has progressed. I’ve seen people who have started earning nothing and month and are now making more than £1,000 each month! This is fantastic and it is really a life changing amount of money for most people.
If you have missed some of this 30 day moneymaking bootcamp then be sure to pop back tomorrow. You will be able to find an itemised list of ALL of the posts and get yourself caught up! I’m hoping that lots of people will be motivated for the months ahead now and that this challenge will have helped lots of our fantastic members.
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