How to keep your focus when Blogging
Keeping your focus on something as long-term as blogging can be a real challenge at times. If you aren’t seeing results either in audience numbers of income after 6 months it can really feel like you are wasting your time.
It’s because of this that it’s really important to stay at focused as you can and to look at the long game you are trying to play and hopefully these tips will help you do that.
Why do you want to blog?
Is it for your love of writing? Do you want a platform to get your thoughts, advice or feelings out? Do you want to make money from it? Are you hoping for free stuff from companies?
This is a very important question to answer before you start any blog, because ultimately this will decide on how much work you will need to put into getting the views you need. If you are wanting a blog purely to earn money, then you need eyes and clicks on your blog so promotion is key; this adds a lot of work to running a blog and can ultimately put you off keeping up with it. If you don’t care about how many people see your posts, then you are much more likely to keep going as the workload is a lot smaller, you are under less pressure to produce the quality content that someone who was hoping to earn from it would.
If you are hoping to get free samples/products from companies, then visits to your blog matter. Companies know that bloggers are fantastic for advertising their products so will often reach out to those who they know will benefit them; they’re not going to send you anything if you don’t have a good enough following. This again adds pressure to you to keep on top with everything – it makes blogging more like a job so you need to treat it as such if you want the results.
What do you want to blog about?
Blogging about something you are very knowledgeable about or you have a deep interest in will give you a good basis on which to start a blog, and you are more likely to remain focused on it and continue posting. Starting a blog about nuclear physics when you cannot tell your up quarks from your down quarks is never going to keep you focused. It’s the same if you decide to go for a really specific niche subject, which is what happened with my alternative blog; there is no point blogging if you don’t have people to actually read it.
Understand that it takes time
Followers to your blog don’t happen overnight; adding Google Adsense to your blog won’t mean you will be earning £100’s in your first month, and companies will not start throwing their products at you as soon as you have launched your site. It can take anything from six months to two or three years before you reach the goals you set yourself with a blog. A lot of people fail to understand this and see not earning money or only having a hundred or so visitors each month as a failure, when it is in fact, not. The big bloggers out there didn’t get where they were after a day or so; if you ask anyone of them how long it was before they started seeing the statistics they wanted from their site, they will most probably give you figures of a year and upwards.
This statement is one of the most important ones to remember because ultimately this is the reason most bloggers give up; give it at least a year, then if you feel like you have truly done everything that you can and still see no results, then it is time to re-evaluate where your blog is going.
Interact with other bloggers
This is something I struggle with personally. I am getting better, and I try to leave a reply on at least one other blog a week; I also take to Twitter to reply to other blogger’s tweets. This is a way to get yourself noticed and it is also a great way to build up relationships that may see you guest blogging on other blogs, or having people posting on yours. It also is a great way of grabbing ideas for your posts; obviously, you need to write the post yourself, but if you find you have a case of writer’s block then other bloggers are a great inspiration.
Take a step back
There is nothing wrong with taking a little time away from your blog if you start to feel like it is getting a little stale, or too much for you. There are some amazing sites out there that allow you to schedule posts on your social media platforms. Hootsuite will let you schedule 100’s of posts at a time that you can have go live throughout the day, so if you want to take a couple of weeks off then you will still have your existing posts promoted.
Drop the frequency of your posts
If you normally post every two days then drop to twice a week, if you do it once a week then drop to once a fortnight etc. It will make your content go further, meaning that you don’t struggle to find things to write about; you can always pick it back up once you have your mojo back.
As I have said earlier in the post, there are many people out there who struggle to remain focused and give up too soon on their blogs. This post highlights some of the questions you need to ask yourself before you get started and address some of the issues you may face. Belonging to part of a community is a great way to discuss your blogging hopes and issues, as well as getting the advice you need to take your blog further.
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